Saturday, July 31, 2010

members selected

Attention all IT Club Members:  This is to inform you that the following students will lead the IT Club Activities for this academic year. 

1. Basil Paul (10 A)
2. Ullas K G (10 A)
3. Arun C G (10 C)
4. Ansal K Antu (10 C)
5. Vipin Kumar (10 D)

All the students are requested to contact one of the above Committee members for future activities.  ie, email id creation, blog creation, hardware training, internet browsing, computer books, O/S installation etc. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here is the blog for the IT Project for the year 2010
Road Safety through school children
here we will list out all the events related to this project. This will continue forever.  Students will be able to give suggestions, recommendations about the project.  
Thank you...